
Tillandsia plagiotropica

Item number: 4036

Status: In stock

This compact Tillandsia lives in the foggy forests of El Salvador and Guatemala, on trees close to lakes.

2.800 HUF2.200 HUF
  • Genus:
  • Tillandsia
  • Status:
  • virágzóképes

Tillandsia plagiotropica: This compact Tillandsia lives in the foggy forests of El Salvador and Guatemala, on trees close to lakes. Its leaves are symmetrical, short, soft and gray-green in color. The stocky, small inflorescence grows out of the center of the rosette and is yellowish green in color. The flowers are white and tubular. It is a relatively easy to keep species, it can be breed well from seed. He likes high humidity, half shade, good air movement and cooler air.


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